• How To Help A Child Who Has Trouble Sitting Still In Pre-K

    Little kids like to move around a lot, so the transition to sitting still during preschool can be a tough one. Most teachers help ease children into this by only having them sit still for short periods of time during the first few weeks of school. Still, some students struggle more than others. If your child's preschool teacher has advised you that he or she is having trouble sitting still, there are a few things you can do to work on this issue at home.
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  • 3 Ways To Encourage Your Child To Be Independent

    Part of being a preschooler is becoming more independent. As the parent of a preschooler, you have to guide your little one towards independence in a positive manner. Without your guidance, your child could start to assert his or her independence in a negative way. Here are some tips to help guide your child in the right direction.  Allow Your Child To Get Ready  Mornings are usually busy, but it is a great time to encourage independence in your child.
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